Rules and etiquitte

The etiquette of bowling 

 As with most sports or games, bowls has its own set of Rules and Regulations that must be followed, which vary depending upon the level of game or competition. In addition, there is a customary code of “polite” behaviour – green “etiquette”, which helps to maintain structure and fairness on the green.


Before the game

  • If we are the hosts, ensure you have checked for any pre-game responsibilities. This could include getting the mats, scoreboards and jacks out, or setting up refreshments for tea breaks. Check the notice board for details
  • Ensure you know what dress you will need (it does vary between games) – this will be confirmed on the notice board
  • Check your bowls have club stickers on them – stickers can be bought for 50p behind the bar
  • Don’t arrive in your bowling shoes – change once ready to play 
  • Try to arrive at least 30 mins early 
  • Introduce yourself and shake hands with your opponent(s) before play commences 

    For Spectators and Players

    At any time

    • Respect and protect the green – it’s our most important asset.
    • Do not distract bowlers who are bowling towards you, by moving or walking across the end of the rink. Wait until the bowl has been delivered, then move.
    • Don’t interrupt other players when they are on the green, particularly during competitive matches. 
    • Do nothing in your actions, words or appearance that will reflect against our Club.


    During the game

    • Enter and leave the green by the banks and footpaths – do not walk across other players’ rinks.
    • Stay within your own rink and don’t wonder into adjacent ones. 
    • Possession of the rink should be respected. Possession belongs to the team whose bowl is being played. Any instructions should be given only when you have possession. Possession transfers to the other team the moment your bowl comes to rest. 
    • Never deliver your bowl before the previous bowl has come to rest.
    • Do not move around the head when your opponent is about to deliver their bowl. Stand well back from the head, keep quiet and do not do anything that would distract your opponent.  
    • Bear in mind that some players like to see the rink boundary markers or centre mark when delivering their wood so make sure you are not obscuring them.
    • If you are at the same end as the player delivering their bowl you must be behind the back of the mat (out of their line of vision)
    • Follow the instructions of the skip – whether or not you agree! 
    • You should only ask the skip for directions when you are on the mat and ready to bowl 
    • Only the number 3 should give the skip any directions (or number 2 in triples)
    • You shouldn’t turn your back on your bowl until it has come to rest
    • When walking up the rink don’t linger to look at the head 
    • When standing at the head stay well back so your shadow etc., doesn’t interfere with the woods or jacks 
    • The results of the head should only be agreed between the number 3’s (2 in triples)
    • Encourage and respect good shots and accept that flukes and lucky wicks are part of the game. 
    • If any measuring is involved the rest of the team should stand well back and not get involved.   
    • Do not disturb the head until the result of the end has been agreed. 
    • When the game has finished, shake hands and congratulate the opposing team and offer to buy your opposite number a drink 
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